Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Amazing Adventures with Amy ~ Part 2

Did I ever have an amazingly fun day today!!! 

Last night I was sitting on the floor in Freida's office as she was talking to Amy about some items that Amy needed. As she was thinking about how Amy could get them she turned and looked at me and asked if I would be willing to take them to her today as well as go on some prenatals with her. I got a big smile on my face as I joyfully responded that I would "love to!" I woke up plenty early in order to have a nice long devotional time and enough time to make something. I've gotten to the point where I'm tired of not cooking, so this morning I made hashbrowns and oatmeal with some fruit. I also had put a sweet potato in the over so that it would be done by the time I needed to leave in order for me to have if for lunch along with soy curls and rice. I had my schedule all figured out so that I could get to Amy's house about 10 minutes early when I went to go put my hair up. As I went to get my pins, hairnet, and veil off of my dresser I realized that the hairnet wasn't there, being that it keeps all my hair from falling down I ran all over my apartment trying to find it, to no avail. So I pinned it as well as I could and ran out the door. Only to find out later that in my haste I had forgotten to get my watch but that I had also forgotten to get the sweet potato out of the oven. 

I quickly drove to Amy's house, calling her on the way to let her know why I would now be about 15 minutes late rather than 10 minutes early. She thought it was quite funny. I found her house and in a few minutes we were off and running for the day. Her car has character, it really teaches those that ride in it to be polite and courteous. And how does a car do this one might ask? Well her driver side door only opens from the inside and the passenger side door only opens from the outside! So I would have to let her out and she would have to let me in. From that can you figure out who was driving most of the time? :) 

So to continue where I left off earlier...  we had a wonderful prenatal at the home tucked away in the woods... they even had a Desire of Ages on their table as well as the red Children's Story books. The baby had been breach and Amy and I were there to see if the baby had turned. It's amazing to me how much you can tell and feel inside the momma. Last night at our prenatal that we had here at the house I could feel the babies foot and the other day I could put my fingers around the babies leg. We left the house and I had fun backing up down and out of the driveway. 

Amy and I learned very quickly that we both love to take pictures. As we were driving to the next prenatal I noticed an old deserted home that had caught my eye as we were driving past it on our way in and after passing about 20 yards I quickly put the car in reverse and started backing up the road. Shocked, Amy asked me what      I was doing. So we got out of the car and had some fun exploring and taking pictures of this old deserted house. 

As we were driving to the next home we drove past a sign that advertised Wooden Rocking Chairs, so we turned around again and went on a crazy escapade in search of a children's rocker. After stopped at three houses and several turns and stops we arrived at the shop. The little rockers are so adorable, there were were several at different stages of completion and it was interesting to see how they were made. With that stop done we tried to find our way back. Talking can be such a distraction at times, and you never know just where you'll end up. :) 

As we were driving I was telling Amy how much I wanted to come upon an Amish school-house during the time that the children were out playing. No more than two minutes later can you guess what we came upon? I was soo excited! I'm trying to learn how to drive and take pictures, out the window, at the same time. Finally we just stopped and took pictures of the children sled-riding down the hill. We toyed with the idea of joining them, and we might have actually done it if we hadn't had several more visits to accomplish. Well as we continued driving we realized that we were going the wrong way, so we turned around, I had so much fun backing up and turning around. You just have to be careful since there are so many blind corners and steep curvy hills, you never know just when a buggy or speeding car might fly by you. One of my greatest fears is that as I'm coming up over the crest of a hill that I will see a buggy right over the top of it and not be able to stop. So we found our way back out and continued on our journey.

We stopped several different places to document our journey. As we were talking I forgot something that would have been very important to remember... Amish don't need to clear their driveways as we do and often times they aren't cleared at all... and as Amy told me to turn into the next driveway I thoughtlessly turned full-speed into it, only to come to quite an abrupt stop 10 feet into the driveway. There was at least a foot of snow in the lane and the snow was packed all the way up to the frame. I tried to rock it out, as I had at the previous house and it worked quite successfully. One of the other homes I just backed 1/2 a mile out the driveway because it was hopeless to try and turn around for fear of getting stuck. Being we weren't going anywhere we ran to the house, dropped off our things and picked up a shovel on our way back to work at getting the car out. We were thankful to have a shovel to help get out this time. The shovel didn't make much difference and we weren't going anywhere. Well we were both praying for some way to get out when two Amish men came driving up in their tractor, praise the Lord we were going to be able to get out. After looking over our situation and practically getting under the car to get the snow out from underneath we tied something to the frame and they pulled us out. Yea... well oh no... I was backing up into them and couldn't stop!! So I quickly put the brakes on and barely missed running into the tractor. 

We talked and talked and talked the day away, and did we ever enjoy ourselves. We went back to Amy's house and uploaded some pictures and had I was able to meet her wonderful family. it was great to be with a family again. I really miss being with mine and so it was really a blessing. 

Guess what?? I milked a cow!! 

It's a bit late and we're going to be off early for a very full day of prenatals tomorrow. 

Amy and I are going to go on visits again next week and we are both eagerly anticipating the amazing adventures that await us :)


  1. Sounds like there's more wrong with the car than just the doors if buggies go flying past you...

  2. That day WAS awesome!:) Can't wait till next week!
