Wednesday, January 28, 2009

An Ice day

So today was my day "off" but I don't know if anyone seems to know the real definition of that.

I woke up this morning and had some quite time with the Lord. Freida came down and was questioning the wisdom of me going to Amy's today being that we had an ice storm last night and this morning. After taking a quick glance outside I realized what she was talking about and saw that this was a great picture taking opportunity. I grabbed my boots and my camera and ran out the door. It was amazing how the ice was covering everything. Here's the result of some of my time outside.

Freida has some of the most beautiful birds that come
to her feeders which are all around the house.

I was sitting on Freida's kitchen counter with my one arm out the window
trying to be as still as possible so that I could get some good shots of the birds. There was one bird that came to the feeder that had frozen ice on its tail, that one flew away as soon as I came near the window and never came back.

The birds love peanuts

It was so icy that even the little birds were even having a hard time standing on the branches.

Everything, and I mean everything, was coated in ice.

Where I call home :) Freida has been blessed with a wonderful home.

A frozen tree

Ice coating the pine needles on a little pine tree


A baby pine tree

Our stairway... look at those icicles!!

The beautiful forest covered in snow

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