Saturday, September 12, 2009

Some pictures with Lydia... thanks Evin!

We LOVE company!! Last week we had a wonderful weekend. It had been an incredibly busy week trying to get ready for my trip out west, taking care of Nalani and myself (we were both sick, and I still am), preparing for a Natural Remedies Seminar downstate and watching my adorable niece 2 days, and... getting ready to have 20 people in our house for the weekend.

The first batch of our company came Thursday night and got home before we were back from the seminar downstate. The rest came on Friday and boy were we ever running like crazy to get ready for them all to arrive.

On Sabbath we went to a little church not too far from home and in between church and the fellowship meal a good friend, who is an amazing photographer took some pictures of me, and Angie, with little Lydia. A sweet little one that I delivered in March. Here are a few of them...